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This small windsurf and kitesurf centre is based at the South end of Icaraizinho Bay, a short stroll from our partner hotel. The centre operates from a nice beach restaurant, which is a great place to relax and recharge between sessions.
This is the best windsurfing spot in Icaraizinho, best suited to intermediate level who like small waves. Flatter water at low tide, and some small easy waves at high tide. The centre has a reasonable selection of Triumph wave boards from Angulo Hawaii, plus NP and Gun Sails, as well as RDM carbon masts. Advance privet lessons can be booked on-site.
For kitesurfers, there is a decent stock of Cabrinha equipment and a full range fo lessons. Beginner lessons are taken at the opposite end of the bay (by beach buggy) where the water is flat and easy.